Category Archives: Yorkshire

Sutton Bank Cliff Top

Sutton Bank Cliff Top

A very quick upload today, one from Sutton Bank North Yorkshire

Standing very precariously on the edge of the cliff with what felt like a force 6 gale trying to carry you over to meet your maker some what earlier than anticipated may not be your ideal start to a day but believe me I was 4 inches from the edge and I never felt more alive, is this what adrenaline junkies get?  Jo was calling me back and a few other choice words too, bless her she didn’t want to drive home on her own!


Anyway it’s a beautiful part of Yorkshire and has to be on your tick list…..Oh and in the shot there is a glider,  look at the end of the cliff and up about a third into the sky.


Off on a shoot this morning and tutoring this afternoon in The Peaks, really looking forward to it. So is Stormy


Have a great day



Oh what a tangled

Oh what a tangled

Just got back from a walk with Stormy and on one of the few occasions I didn’t have my camera slung over my shoulder…typical! I made a promise to always carry it when out walking too, anyway we came across this wonderful spiders web in the mist and dew, no sign of spidey though, must have gone to bed.

I was going to head back down to the canal but the mist is clearing now and it’s started with a mixture of sun and rain.. wont help much….


This was shot with my iPhone so excuse the quality..


Finished my seascape pictures to music video last night so I’ll be posting it later, hope you like it.



Naburn Butterfly

Naburn Butterfly

Just had a lovely day at Naburn in North Yorkshire, its an idyllic little village with this lock being a great focal point for a visit, i managed as I do to scramble across the lock gates and kneel down for this shot of a pleasure cruiser approaching the lock. Only when I looked closely at the composition did I realise its pretty much like a butterfly……or do I need help?


weather was lovely and we had a long chat with a narrow boat owner who lives on it and travels the British waterways all year round, lucky things..


Stormy enjoyed it too though it was a little warm for her

Peaks tomorrow, cant wait, either daytime Dovedale or Sunset Ladybower/Higger….will see how my Saturday curry

Enjoy the weekend all, Wales next Saturday



Storm in a Buttercup

Stormy In A Buttercup

Ok Ok so it’s the corniest title ever!!!

just had a lovely riverbank walk with Stormy, she played with the horses and chased butterflies and bees and most importantly came back when I whistled her…bless her


Nearly finished malting for summer, thank goodness, (Stormy that is) we have a full and I mean full shopping bag of compacted white fluffy fur, I have heard it’s good for duvets and pillows so we’ll hang on to it.

beautiful sunshine with a slight breeze, and its going to get better, Peaks Thursday


People Power

People Power










Definitely a bit if a weird one for me this weekend, we went to York on Saturday, the weather wasn’t very good at all, Stormy decided to get her stubborn head on and pulled all the way round which made for an unpleasant walk in such a lovely place, she was a little better when we did the river walk later.

We came across this image, weird to say the least, all lined up side by side a group of Quakers doing a silent peaceful anti war protest, no one was in front of them they looked very much out of place so I thought “why not” I did ask first and said “you don’t have to smile” which they obliged by staying Stearn faced and very much in character.

I find people fascinating and if you look at this large each face tells a lifetime of stories…..makes you wonder!

Back out later in the week , and hopefully have some good news Thu/Fri


Winscar Reservoir Sunset

Winscar Reservoir Sunset

Had an outing last night to catch the sunset at Winscar Reservoir, met up with Gary Stevenson, thanks for the company and a great chat. The conversation as it usually does got round to “why do people buy photographs”, is it because they remind you of somewhere you have been a memory….but why don’t they take them for themselves they have hi res camera phones nowadays.

I believe very strongly in creating an image that evokes emotion, hopefully a happy peaceful one not a dreary dark image although they may have a place in photography but not generally on your living room wall. With the use of filters I try and exaggerate and enhance the light, colour and overall feel of the location, smooth dreamy water  with glowing sun kissing the surface, ” if M & S did reservoir shots” and all that….but it SELLS and that’s the fact. Sometimes reality isn’t enough, sometimes we don’t want to have to use our imagination to create emotion, the image can do all this for you.

My emotion,

“as I sat on the bank of the reservoir alone tripod spread full stretch to the muddy bank, the wind whistling round my head kicking up drops of cool water and  splashing my face. The sun dipping behind the distant rocks as though winking good night  and casting a golden glow across the surface for me and for me only. The foreground rocks still warm from the days sun begin to cool and the remnants of light fade from their rugged edges. Geese fly by looking for a safe nighttime location to rest their wings in contrast to the drifting clouds, then you realise, all is well”.

Funny isn’t it but writing this brought back everything I felt whilst there last night, it’s how I see every shot I take, there isn’t a shot on my site that doesn’t contain part of my emotion and passion for this work, well it isn’t work its LOVE, and if I can pass on 1/10th of my emotion to you the viewer then I’m honoured.

Again many thanks to Gary, look forward to the next outing

have a great Wednesday


ONE SHOT. ISO 200, f/22, 47s, Lee Big Stopper, Lee Clear Mist

I just noticed there is a marshmallow mans face on the right in the clouds…


St Andrews Old Church

St Andrews Old Church


The earliest known record of a church at Upleatham
dates from the 12th century when land, together with
a church, was granted to Guisborough Priory;
however, the discovery in the churchyard last century
of a stone cross fragment of 9th century date suggests
that people may have worshipped at this place long
before the Conquest.
The church is rectangular in plan and measures 6 m
by 4 m within. At its western end stands a square
tower dated 1684. This tower, which replaced an earlier
bell-cote, butts on to the west wall. The south wall
shows signs of much reconstruction. The former
existence of a south aisle is suggested at the exterior
by voussoirs which form two arches above later
infilling. The north wall seems to be the best preserved
since it includes ten Norman corbels in its upper

Out for a sunset tonight, cant wait


Sunrise Soldiers

Sunrise Soldiers

Thought I would make Wednesday a brighter and more uplifting day  with this shot I took a little while ago at Spurn Point on the east coast, the suns rays just making a guest appearance through the morning clouds are they are burnt away. The old wooden breakers standing guard against the tide and protecting the beach against the seas advances.

It can sometimes be a little eerie as the wind whistles and whispers through the breakers, but the sight of that sunrise kissing the sky soon makes you feel at ease and safe.


Out in The peaks tomorrow doing hopefully a star trail sequence with Stormy, weather permitting


have a great day


Bluebells 2

Bluebells 2

Ok so its another Bluebell shot, sorry cant help myself they are such an iconic British countryside flower, it instantly brings the feeling of spring into summer and warms you.  Again this makes use of my star and polariser filters did I say they are by “LEE Filters” been really lucky with my light lately but I guess you just have to keep getting out there and shooting don’t you?

The weather is turning summery now as we have thunder and rain storms, hey ho, out with the waterproofs and wellies then…oohh forgot to say my wellies they came and they are fab, bought from Country and Garden, they were very helpful and even swapped them as I ordered a size too big, a big thank you to them. The wellies work in all temperatures and conditions and fit well like a glove! thick lined neoprene and a rugged sole, they may be expensive but when I’m scrambling around over rocks and in the sea I don’t want to ruin my £150 Salomon boots plus these cover me to my knees.

We’re off into the Peaks later for some water shots and stormy can have a dip, don’t know where yet, just looking through some route maps

Have a great day



Scout Dike Bluebells

Scout Dike Bluebells

Was a great weekend wasn’t it?, thundery rain at night but beautiful sunshine in the day, perfect combination….

Managed a lovely walk with Jo and Stormy yesterday at Scout Dike Reservoir, they have recently re done the footpath and made it a lot more accessible to the public. We went slightly off the beaten track and came across this lovely scene with the sun bursting through the old trees and bathing the  patches of bluebells in misty light…….ok so I tricked it slightly yes old faithfuls are used here, my heliopan polariser on full tilt for the colour and my star filter for the rays but ssshhhh dont tell anyone…another to follow later

Oh and Stormy managed to find the most decayed trout cast aside by a fisherman, we had to baby wipe her face and mouth, she stank!

have a great day, back in The Peaks tomorrow

