St Andrews Old Church

St Andrews Old Church


The earliest known record of a church at Upleatham
dates from the 12th century when land, together with
a church, was granted to Guisborough Priory;
however, the discovery in the churchyard last century
of a stone cross fragment of 9th century date suggests
that people may have worshipped at this place long
before the Conquest.
The church is rectangular in plan and measures 6 m
by 4 m within. At its western end stands a square
tower dated 1684. This tower, which replaced an earlier
bell-cote, butts on to the west wall. The south wall
shows signs of much reconstruction. The former
existence of a south aisle is suggested at the exterior
by voussoirs which form two arches above later
infilling. The north wall seems to be the best preserved
since it includes ten Norman corbels in its upper

Out for a sunset tonight, cant wait



  1. Glyn May 24, 2011 at 9:25 AM #

    looks a bit eerie mate, and a possible HDR effect. Could be wrong, but one heck of an effect. whats that white thingy in front of door ?? Bunged up with a cold a mo, feeling really sorry for myself. laters

    • Adrian May 24, 2011 at 9:31 AM #

      Lo Mate
      no to the HDR just layers and curves, I think its snow, cant quite remember, its lovely in the summer and eerie in winter, but those clouds and sun setting make it foreboding don’t they.
      Chicken soup and plenty of water for the cold mate, think I may have it coming on too!!!


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