Category Archives: Winter

Still No Snow

Blacks-Ice-FlowHonestly can’t believe how mild it’s gone now, I cleaned the cars on Sunday in a T shirt and today’s dog walk I was just wearing a fleece, has spring sprung already? even the white flower things , snowdrops thats it, useless with plants are out in abundance.  It’s ruining my commission shoot!

Here’s another snow one from last year, fingers x’d we’ll see some more yet



A Cool Start

Blacks-Frost-1 Yay it’s Friday at last and I thought I’d kick off the weekend with a couple of frosty images from a walk last year, must get on top of my processing!

Just off the main Woodhead Road is an area called Salter’s brook and I believe Lady Shaw, here you’ll find  remnants of an old Inn dating back to the 18th century. Although not good for ale any more it does serve well  as a great composition for the winter frost, and a little shelter for the roaming sheep.

You just may spot Buster the blonde German Shepherd  in the distance have a good forage round the moor, he was there with my friend Gordon, Stormy was tied on to me, way to risky with sheep about to ever let her go free!.

Blacks-Frost-2Still waiting to get the decent winter weather here so I can head out and do the commission shots for The Woodland Trust, let’s hope next week brings it back for me.

Have a great weekend
