Just a quick update but first let me wish you all a very Happy Healthy New Year……
there, that’s that done!
Now to progress into 2015 we have decided to make a few changes to the way we market and run www.adrianashworth.co.uk. Over the last few months Facebook has developed and deployed new software that tracks and sells your info to the highest bidder, what you treat as social media is in fact you giving away all your likes and dislikes, a marketing companies dream come true for FREE.
With this in mind we feel it is better to run our own marketing campaigns and are looking at management solutions for future growth.
In future this will be the only place to see new works and my progress in the photographic world, subscription to the blog is/will be available and I would love to keep in touch with as many FB friends as possible but through more traditional methods, phone and email which are far more private and meaningful.
Once again many thanks for all the love and support over the years, please continue to do so in 2015.
Adrian, Jo, Stormy, Indy, Thunder and Thor x