Category Archives: Black & White

Hmmm, “Thinking Glass Half Full”

Thinking Glass Half Full


































Slight departure for me I know but I was doing some shots at a local Gallery and couldn’t resist, the title says it all.

Really pleased to say teat “the Photographer are doing a 5 page special feature on me for March/April issue, have just read the final draft and it’s fab, think I’ll use it for my bio on the website….BIG thank you to Jonathan Briggs for his writing and editing skills.

Quiet weekend ahead, I hope so much my back plays fair and allows me get out Sunday for a coast or moors trip…Stormy’s desperate to be in the sea again as I am too..


Have a great weekend all



Ancient Fort

Ancient Fort

Another black and white conversion detailing winter in The Peaks, Carl Wark is allegedly an iron age fort and is unlike any other found in the north of England. Standing there you certainly get the feel of a timeless landscape and very little signs of modern man’s interference and destruction. The wind blows freezing across the moors a sleet and snow pepper your face as you try to hide and stay warm. How on earth the ancients managed to live in these conditions I can’t believe or is it that we have become too soft and used to our comfortable central heating and slippers?

Ah well coffee time and getting prints ready for customers, at least it’s Wednesday, half the week gone and we’re getting close to Christmas, starting to get in the mood a little now….ho ho ho!


Winter Tree

Winter Tree

A very bleak day out in The Peaks shows this weathered tree crying out for some B & W treatment, heavy snow clouds looming in form the rear, my first forage into this format, quite pleased with it and I like the contrast in the sky and clouds.

Weather forecast isn’t very nice for today or this week, blustery gale force winds, wintery showers……looooove it, got my winter gear all ready to go, 4×4 fueled up and husky champing at the bit, now do I do coast or moors?

Saying that I have a few prints to get ready and it’s nice and warm in the house, I know light weight! but you can guarantee someone will call for some work doing.


Have a great Tuesday all

