Definitely a bit if a weird one for me this weekend, we went to York on Saturday, the weather wasn’t very good at all, Stormy decided to get her stubborn head on and pulled all the way round which made for an unpleasant walk in such a lovely place, she was a little better when we did the river walk later.
We came across this image, weird to say the least, all lined up side by side a group of Quakers doing a silent peaceful anti war protest, no one was in front of them they looked very much out of place so I thought “why not” I did ask first and said “you don’t have to smile” which they obliged by staying Stearn faced and very much in character.
I find people fascinating and if you look at this large each face tells a lifetime of stories…..makes you wonder!
Back out later in the week , and hopefully have some good news Thu/Fri
Mmmm, its different mate. love to see a mono version. Hope you doing ok . Enjoy
may have a play, but other things on at mo, will pm you later
hope you are ok too