Daily Archives: February 11, 2011

Before & After



Todays blog is about photo enhancements, briefly every pro making money uses it and its not cheating or camera trickery, its a tool in as much a way as the the camera itself, I use it to enhance colour, light Dodging & Burning, contrast and mainly to clean the shot removing “dust bunny spots” my biggest bugbear of all.

A quote by the father of landscape photography himself Ansel Adams “Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.” many of his prints were manipulated in the darkroom with these techniques, I like to think of it as lifting the image to a palatable taste, sometimes you need dreary but it rarely sells, customers want images that lift their sprit evoke a sense of euphoria, no body in truth wants to feel miserable staring at a dull uninspiring image on their living room wall do they?

Opinions count, so do let me know what your views are, this will be part of next weeks Peak District Online Blog

have a wonderful weekend all


Dust Bunnies at 200% everywhere