So Hot and Heathered

Heatherama - Over Owler 4


It was so warm walking in The Peaks on Monday, phew, we marched for hours sweat pouring form every orifice! (I Know too much info….), I thought I better undo my overcoat top button , that was so much better, realising we were lost I quickly used the sun’s location to ascertain it was daytime, thank goodness,  those parking attendants at Surprise view hide and wait for just such weary travelers like myself lost and disorientated in The Peaks

The heather is in full bloom, gorgeous honey scented blossom…mmmhhhhh





  1. Alison August 17, 2011 at 1:46 PM #

    Mmmmm…what lovely colours.We were around The Roaches the other day and the heather was spectacular too even though it was a fairly grey day. We are now back to the dry golds and ochres of Spain..already missing the trees and lushness of the UK.

  2. Adrian August 17, 2011 at 1:49 PM #

    I must admit, i am stuck in today and would love to be back in The Peaks, still jealous you are in Spain, would have been nice to bump into you


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