Happy Monday all!
what a glorious full moon this morning, looks great with the whispering clouds gliding across it.
Well this week sees the start of the big push, starting training again as near as possible as I was last year be it with a lot less weight, don’t think I’ll ever get back to the weights I used to be able to push…still fitness and health is more important than size isn’t it!.
Today me and Stormy will be in The Peaks this afternoon for the sunset, not sure where to go yet but we are definitely going for it, can’t wait, and later in the week we have a special shoot on, I will tell later plus we are doing an east coast shoot, possibly Spurn Point sunset or Thornwick Nab at Flamborough, be great to be at the sea again.
The attached shot is from Penmon Lighthouse on Anglesey, a place always in my heart and a beautiful place to sit and contemplate life, it would be easy to sit from sunrise to sunset and not realise where the day had gone.
Ah well, I will start getting my kit setup cleaned and ready for later, hope you all have a fab week