Great News, Very honoured indeed, I have been asked to judge a photography competition on Anglesey in November, those qualifications do pay off you probably a lot more to do with the fact I sell more there then anywhere and I’m well known by the locals as the man who stands waist deep in the sea at sunset, or looney maybe a better term!
Update on the knee, its doing fine still very stiff and a little bloody around the scars but good all the same, my main issue is i have one hell of a anesthetic hangover as my mate Scott at PCW Gwynedd pointed out to me, so I feel like I have vertigo and a head full of cotton wool, I’m sure once this wears off I’ll feel a whole lot better.
Workshops are now booked for the 1st two weeks in September North Wales, really looking forward to these, new friends in the making.
Today’s offering is the last remnants of the sun as it sets over the horizon splashing the sky and sea with its beautiful orange glow. It only lasts a few moments but it’s worth every rain soaked night trying to capture this for just one night. five minutes later and darkness descends and the sounds of sea are all you are left with.