this weeks seems to have dragged by so slowly for me, basically sitting doing physio exercises isn’t my type of fun, it has however given me time to catch up with some processing and this shot is from a few weeks ago on Anglesey, titled “Four Crowns Tractor” can you spot them?
My Leg is improving every day but it’s still early days, my Patella ligament is painful when I walk and as for going down hill, don’t ask, agony. I’m probably trying to do too much too soon, but I’m not one for sitting around and having the misfortune of turning TV on and seeing “Jeremy Kyle” for 30 seconds or as fast as I could skip the channel I’d happily rid him for the world, what a disgusting little creature he is.
Jo has suggested I write a book, “People I Hate and Why” what a great idea hey? certainly get more in it than people I like lol, i honestly don’t think I would have the time or page space to include all those currently in my sites, sad I know but it’s not a festering hate and hate is probably too strong a word, let’s say people who I haven’t the time for….ah better and breath!
Be as well standing in the sea or up a mountain somewhere with Stormy and my camera. Speaking of Stormy she’s well overdue her season and her visits to “Echo” in Bilston, Birmingham, come on Stormy get a move on, we want puppies.
Have a great weekend all