Category Archives: The Peaks

Rainbow Sunset on Higger

Rainbow Sunset on Higger

Unusual composition to this sunset at Higger in The Peaks, almost a diagonal split but I like it as one side is soft with warm light and pastel shades and the other solid dependable grit that takes centuries to change.  Topped off with a sunburst to add a focal interest, I think it works. Tho only dislike is the con trails but they are a factor of life now and we must take them as a sign of our times, I could have spent time removing them but it’s not me and I think they show the pace of life in the air opposed to the gentle pace of life in The Peaks.


anyway hope you like it



Curbar Sunrise

Curbar Sunrise

Another from a little while ago, hopefully I’ll be out this week at some stage, new pain killers should kick in

Curbar Edge in The Peaks as the warmth of the winter sun rises and lights the valley below, it gives a beautiful deep amber glow with long shadows from the escarpment and trees below. This was a very cold sunrise in deed and if you look to the left in the dark rocks you can see what looks like lens flare, it is in fact a freeze on my filter, I had to keep cleaning then down but within a few seconds it was back on again…..not a lot you can do about this I’m afraid, still I think it works nicely and adds to the overall wintery feel of the image.


have a great day




Sunrise Snow on Ladybower

Sunrise Snow on Ladybower

Sunrise in The Peak district  casting a warm orange glow over the snow tipped peaks. Ladybower in the bottom still frozen in the shade of the winter sun…..if Carlsberg did sunrises and all that!!

At last we have some snow heading our way this weekend, can’t wait, we’ll be out in it me and Stormy  stomping all over the peaks and maybe the dales too.

Off for MRI scan in 30 mins, cd at the ready though I do feel a little nervous, kinda hoping you go in feet first rather than head!!


will report back later, have a great Thursday all



Sometimes it’s worth a second look – Sunset Sphere Flare Play

Stanage Sunset Sphere - Flare Play

Morning all and a happy Monday to you, apparently today is the happiest Monday of the year….don’t know why don’t care I just feel happy..must be the drugs!

Anyway I was searching through my hard drive at some shots I did a few weeks ago up on Stanage Edge in The Peaks and came across this one, it was flared beyond belief but I though what the heck and it’s taken an hour or so to get it something like…the colour and depth are as shot  with 2 x filters on and a hand held star…kinda groovy eh?


So I’ll get on with my  happy week, couple of commissions and 2 workshops to sort so busy busy.


have fun



Stanage Sunset Sphere Trig

Stanage Susnet Sphere Trig

Happy Friday all, doesn’t this week seem to have flown by!, can’t believe it’s the weekend already.

Well after my great shoot on Monday I have done a couple of commission shoots the most memorable and interesting of which was at our local crematorium, really surprised  and displaced all those misconceptions I had about those places, such lovely caring people working there and the whole process is done with clinical process steeped in dignity and sympathy, certainly the way to go I think. Spent a good couple of hours there when it should have been a quick shoot, will be going back to do some sunset shots soon and they have an open day in May….I know it sounds daft but I think it’s beneficial if like me you had all theses misconceptions about crems, you know bodies sitting up etc etc, all a myth!, bodies are never seen, the coffin is never opened it goes in and that’s it, 2 hours later dust.

we came from dust, we go to dust!, I’m not afraid,

of dust anyway….lol

Still got a few more to post of the Stanage Sunset  Sphere project so will get those done next week. This one just catching the rays right, handheld my star filter in front of Singh Ray ND Filter.

Off to Spurn Point later for a sunset can’t wait, Stormy will be in the sea and me, well up to my knees as usual music blasting my ear drums and thanking God for such a scene. Ham butties at the ready as are Stormy’s treats.

Catch up with you all next week, have a great weekend



More Balls






























Another from my trip up Stanage Edge on Monday, this time a portrait version. By this time the sun was at its best with rich dark storm clouds casting shadows across the valley below.

Below is a crop version of above enlarging the detail in the sphere and trig point, you get a clearer image down the valley too showing just how intense the setting suns colour was. A few more to follow tomorrow, have a great Wednesday all




Stanage Edge Sunset Sphere

Stanage Edge Sunset Sphere

Well I managed my first outing last night to The Peaks, Stanage Edge with Stormy. It was very breezy and cold but we were rewarded with a stunning sunset, deep amber and glorious oranges dancing across the windswept sky. I thought this would be perfect conditions to try out my crystal ball, not to do a reading …lol but to invert the sunset and create this wonderful image.

Believe it or not but the only ting I have done is to clean the dust spots and up the brightness, the glow and colour is from my ND filters, get them right and you are always rewarded with superb tones. I use LEE Filters “thats my plug done”

I can’t believe we were the only ones up there on such a beautiful evening then I realised it was 4pm and most people are still at work, makes me so humble to be able to to do this for a living professionally.

Stormy really enjoyed herself and a fell runner came up for a chat and marveled at here stunning looks, he thought she was so gorgeous….didn’t dare tell him this demur little husky had just been pulling me all over the place to get to the sheep!

will have about 6 or so variations of this shot to post so will do later. I am now following some great advise given to me recently that is to go out and return with just the ONE shot you wanted, too many photographers go out and try and produce dozens of images running everywhere to capture shots when if you stay put and get the composition right first time, why move…. I did this recently in Wales where I took some 300+ images of the same scene as the sun went down, this was to produce just one image that was part of my ABIPP assessment material…must work then.

Back out later in the week, the East Coast is calling!!!!!!




OK so I played guitar as well!

Hordron Sunrise Winter Moon

As the title suggest I thought what the hell it’s Christmas I’ll lay my soul open bare and let you into one of my secrets from a past life.

I used to be fairly decent on guitar and played in several rock bands, never I must say with any degree of success, probably cos we were but it was fun at the time. The track I have uploaded is from a different life, when I gave up playing in rock bands I tried to put something together that would sell, maybe TV program intro that sort of thing, anyway me and my mate Pete who is/was a great singer put a 4 track together and this is one of the songs, I Wrote the music, played guitar and co wrote the lyrics with Pete.

Have a laugh anyway

Just a quick thank you to my friends and customers who have helped make 2011 a great year for me and my work, I really appreciate it and some special people have helped put work my way too, so thank you.


Have a great Christmas and I hope 2012 brings you all health and wealth

Adrian Jo And Stormy

Music Controls Below

Ancient Fort

Ancient Fort

Another black and white conversion detailing winter in The Peaks, Carl Wark is allegedly an iron age fort and is unlike any other found in the north of England. Standing there you certainly get the feel of a timeless landscape and very little signs of modern man’s interference and destruction. The wind blows freezing across the moors a sleet and snow pepper your face as you try to hide and stay warm. How on earth the ancients managed to live in these conditions I can’t believe or is it that we have become too soft and used to our comfortable central heating and slippers?

Ah well coffee time and getting prints ready for customers, at least it’s Wednesday, half the week gone and we’re getting close to Christmas, starting to get in the mood a little now….ho ho ho!


Winter Tree

Winter Tree

A very bleak day out in The Peaks shows this weathered tree crying out for some B & W treatment, heavy snow clouds looming in form the rear, my first forage into this format, quite pleased with it and I like the contrast in the sky and clouds.

Weather forecast isn’t very nice for today or this week, blustery gale force winds, wintery showers……looooove it, got my winter gear all ready to go, 4×4 fueled up and husky champing at the bit, now do I do coast or moors?

Saying that I have a few prints to get ready and it’s nice and warm in the house, I know light weight! but you can guarantee someone will call for some work doing.


Have a great Tuesday all

