Town Beach Sunset

Town Beach Sunset

So many images and not enough time to get them on the site……

dedicating today to getting 10 images processed and up, need to chase up framers for sales been sent, got deliveries coming, sorting workshop notes out, Stormy’s long walk, gym and to top it all…..guess which idiot put petrol in a diesel car yesterday …yup 1st time I ever done something so stupid.

Mind you the RAC wanted £200 plus but my mate owns a garage and he flushed the system for £20, so could have been worse, saying that I lost £77 worth of petrol/diesel mix ..a small price to pay saying it could have killed my car…. I can laugh about it now but I’m sure the staff and customers at Morrisons Petrol Station haven’t heard language like mine at that time in a morning!


Town Beach Sunset,  as the sea swirls and mixes the sand in its waves the sun retreats casting a beautiful orange glow across the bay.

ahh cant wait to be back there, 10 days and counting



  1. Alison June 29, 2011 at 9:39 AM #

    Oops…just as well you were close to home.

    • Adrian June 29, 2011 at 9:41 AM #

      I really did shout out a swear word, not proud of it…lol could have been worse

  2. Glyn June 29, 2011 at 12:39 PM #

    Mate, sorry to hear about your mis-hap….snigger..:-)
    Love the sky on this one..

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