Stormy’s Storm

Stormy's Storm

Hi and a very happy Monday to you all, boo hoo you say start of week and all that.  Well lets hope this shot cheers you up. We went to The Peaks as promised on Saturday, weather wasn’t great but it didn’t rain until we got back to car and set off for home.

We left one car at the  foot of Winnats Pass and then drove up and left my car at Mam Nicks car park, we headed up Mam Tor then onto Back Tor and Loose Hill before descending into Castleton for a well earned Coffee, Jo had Fish ‘n’ Chips with Karen  they smelled delicious, Stormy managed some too, well half a fish, while being fussed over by tourists.

Todays shot is Stormy’s Storm, she’s stood pretty close to the edge of Back Tor with the storm clouds brewing behind her, we were inundated with people wanting to fuss over her, wish I had bottled what she has, Mam Tor was as usual swamped with groups out for the, clicking away at their friends stood behind the Trig Point like they have  just ascended Everest.

Pretty much a perfect day enjoyed greatly with friends and Stormy of course, back out tomorrow weather permitting.

If your passing Barnsley Central Library please check out my Peak District exhibition, all uplifting shots non of this “moody, dull and dark” stuff. If I want to make people moody and feel depressed , turn on the TV.

All framed worked sold at very reasonable prices, feedback greatly appreciated.




  1. Alison March 14, 2011 at 8:31 AM #

    Yikes!..don’t look down Stormy !! What a beautiful portrait of her. Looks as if she’s actually posing for the photo. It sounds as if she’s becoming quite a celebrity lol.
    Did the storm actually break or did you manage to avoid it ?
    Don’t know how you manage to resist the fish and chips….what I’d do for real british fish and chips..mmmm.
    By the way..was thinking of treating myself to one or two of your Peak prints…just trying to make a final decision as to which ones. Not easy.
    Have a good day out!

  2. Adrian March 14, 2011 at 8:41 AM #

    Hi Alison

    yes she’s a proper little poser, I have trained her now to sit and stay when I say camera so I can take my shots, very funny…. she’s wanting her walk now but I have been framing this shot for my office wall, figured it was worth it. Fish n Chips, believe me it was my worst test of the diet so far, they were gorgeous apparently…but my weigh in at the gym tonight so hope to have lost a couple more pounds, only 7 to go wwhheeyy then I have to maintain until September boohoo.

    hey let me know which prints you decide on I’ll try and sort a better deal for you. It may even be cheaper if you know a printer in Spain where I can upload them for you print and frame them there. If I can print them here I can sign them but I’ll send you a signed card anyway what ever you decide.

    Sun shining and its nice and crispy cold, off for our daily now, take care and have a great day Alison

    forgot to say, as soon and I mean soon as we got in the cars for home it rained, we called at Peak Garden Centre on the way home and it really came down then, so all in all a pretty perfect day, really enjoyable and FREE


  3. Alison March 14, 2011 at 9:15 AM #

    What I thought I’d do when I decide on the ones I want , is to have them sent tto my mum’s address and pick them up in the summer and then frame them over here.
    For a change we had persistent rain this weekend, my poor balding lawn drowned and the garage flooded but hey least I’ve still got a garage..not like those poor Japanese folks 🙁
    I’ll let you know about the prints

    • Adrian March 14, 2011 at 12:45 PM #

      well thanks in advance then Alison, it’ll mean I can eat again…lol rain in Spain, didn’t know it ever did? battenning down the hatches or whatever the saying is hey? and yes not as bad as Japan, although I dont like them because of their animal cruelty etc I feel sorry for them as a nation

      thanks again Alison


  4. Glyn March 14, 2011 at 12:40 PM #

    Awesome…..nuf said.

    • Adrian March 14, 2011 at 12:45 PM #

      Cheers mate, think I got her good side ok


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