Porth Y Post – Chaos Theory

Porth Y Post – Chaos Theory

Well, we’re back in Yorkshire after a fantastic break in Wales/Anglesey. Had some superb weather and was great to hook up with friends old and new.


Now the processing of some 2000 images starts, this may seem an extraordinary amount but I work on approx 10% use rate so I’ll probably get 20 ish suitable shots that I am totally 100% happy with to sell, there rest i use for testing techniques and you never know future software updates may make advances in processing that will help. I generally ditch anything up to 90% perfect out of the camera and only clean and adjust levels, I rarely crop an image as its one of my pet hates, if I cant get the shot right in the field its just not good enough.

Title says it all really, wild waves crashing in from every angle, with the most beautiful sunset descending against the ancient rocks of this historic place. It’s now my favourite location, I’ll be back in the future for sure, I have only touched on what is available here for me.


Good to be back and blogging but I have loads on, 3 exhibitions to get ready for plus some MRT images to sort and several prints to get out for customers this week. And I have just done the most almighty leg session at the gym with Marky Mark, I walked out like John Wayne, it’s gonner hurt like hell later.


loads to follow



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