Over Owler – Surprise View

Surprise-ViewHappy Monday Morning all…….here’s a shot from the Peak District


OK OK, so it’s your first day back at work since the Christmas and New Year break but let’s face it, how wonderful is this time of year with its crisp mornings and long sleepy nights, beautiful sunrises and snow capped peaks , see it’s not all bad is it?

Had a few more emails from folks over the weekend re my reason for pulling away from social media namely face book. It wasn’t a difficult decision as face book are selling my info and yours too to marketing companies and such for a profit, I also get really upset by the number of people posting negative subjects and animal abuse, I just wanted it to be a place to enjoy good humorous banter and maybe draw a little traffic to my website to brighten peoples day. But mainly was the amount of my work that was being taken and used on websites without asking….very naughty indeed, they obviously don’t understand the cost implications for just one of my shots, anyway hopefully now all images are tagged and I can monitor them across the web.

Great also that most of my FB friends the real ones that is have subscribed to my blog and have emailed me for chats so thats really lovely, thanks you guys, it’s nice to use the old fashioned way to stay in touch sometimes isn’t it?

On a plus note I have just discovered Little Chocolate Orange flavoured coffee, yes Chocolate Orange flavour, it’s absolutely gorgeous, so very wrong it’s so right, expensive but what a treat on a cold winters morning.

Very busy January now getting pictures and info ready for submission for my Fellowship in March.

Have a wonderful week


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