todays shot is about the passing of winter as new life returns to The Peaks, down in Edale the new chutes of fern and bracken are beginning to show and blanket the hillside with beautiful colour and shapes. The shot shows how diverse nature is as it lavishly cloaks the hillside returning it to its summer coat, I’ll redo this shot in a month or so and detail just how much this area changes throughout the seasons.
Didn’t manage an outing yesterday so its on the cards for Thursday and hopefully Saturday long walk with Jo and Stormy.
The second shot shows the view from Carl Wark looking back up at Higger Tor, not the usual shot so I hope you like it, taken a while back now you can see just how baron this landscape can be in winter yet it still remains to be an interesting and peaceful place to just be there soaking in it ancient history.
I’ll be doing a special on Polarising and Grad Filters next week so please check it out.
Mmm, the carl wark is interesting.Reminds me of Table Top mountain in Cape town SA.
Great details on the foreground rocks too, looks like they were once straight. Does the Heather turn red/purple at any time ? That would look ace.
Loving the New life, good title. The way the sun lights up the background looks good. The new ferns (I think thats what they are) look like a miniature forest, from high up. Not belong now mate before spring is here, everything is so dead here still. Enjoy