Looking Out To Sea




A very sunny good morning to you all, woke up to a beautiful sunrise so took the pooches out bright and early, pre the usual hoards of dog walkers and school kids tramping the streets. Sets you up for the day ahead with clear and decisive thoughts, ahhhhh breath, lovely.

Tayinloan ha snow made it onto my list of fave places to shoot, pretty much guaranteed to have the place to yourself and lets face it “what a superb thing to photograph” it won’t be there for much more time as the sea carries out its own maritime dismantling of it tide by tide.

Still 2 places for the over night camp sunset shoot, PM me if you are interested, we haven’t sorted a date yet but it will be mutually agreed and probably be end July early August may then do a stop and shoot on the way back down along Loch Lomand.

New commission shoot for a top PR agency next week, so will be prepping kit ready for a full staff shoot and client location shoot, love this stuff.




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