Hackfall Pt 3

Hackfall-Pt-3-2Hi all

as promised another part to the Hackfall Woods commission shoot from a few weeks ago. Lovely bluebells throughout the walk not always in the best location to shoot as they tend to like the shade of the canopy but when you’re given lemons and all that! Still stunning though and so so very English.


Hackfall-Pt-3-3 One of the many little waterfall features along the walk, got a little wet on this one as I didn’t want to get the bank in in front of my feet.

And finally today the lower end of the walk involves a steep climb up a wooded path and opens into a spectacular view with a place to take a well deserved rest, flask out time…..

Hackfall-Pt3-1Hope you have enjoyed this brief walk through the woods, I’ll do a special at some stage just on the follies.


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