Morning All
Its got the making of a great week weather wise but lets not forget its Wimbledon so brollies at the ready!
Just back from a great week in Wales, weather played fair for a few days but especially well on my workshop day with a wonderful couple Chris and Carrie, its the first time I have been a birthday present and I was truly honoured. We spent nearly 12 hours at 3 locations and managed all we set out to complete with great results. They both easily grasped the concepts and were producing wonderful shots throughout the day, I’ll post some shots later. Chris is an extremely talented photographer in his own right as well as producing some stunning video work. check out his site HERE
Today’s shot is one I have been waiting to do for ages and I have been very patient to get this due to the suns location as it sets and the tides for the sea channel. I sat here in the baking sand for a good hour just watching and waiting, doing test shot after test shot until this scene came through and it was just perfect. This has to be for me one of my all time fav’s and is going on my wall and my forthcoming exhibition at Cannon Hall Museum Barnsley July to October 2012.
Today sees The Olympic Torch come through Barnsley, Ive been asked to attend and rattle a few shots off so don’t be surprised if you see my rather large frame on Calendar or something getting in the way of the runner, hope I don’t trip them up, the guys are already cordoning off the town centre ready for its arrival 1-2pm, hope the weather stays nice for it.
Busy week as I have to get my shots ready for the exhibition, 2 training nights with Mountain Rescue, an exhibition in Wales to plan for and a shoot for Mountain Rescue on Friday night for members receiving the Queens Jubilee Medal.
I’ll try and post a few images this week in between outing and shoots.
Amazing photo Adrian, you keep raising the bar…!!
It was great to finally get out with you for a photo shoot… Me & Carrie loved every minute of the course, and would recommend it to anyone interested in landscape photography at any level…
Chris D
very kind Chris, it certainly helped having two great people with me and it was a pleasure to show you my way of landscape and seascape photography.remember once you have done it once you are now a friend and don’t pay again, if we get chance we meet up and tog….did you do the vito 360 vid?
all the best to you both
Had a fantastic day! Really pleased with what I came home with… We were so luck with the weather and the day just flew by.
Cheers Adrian, totally caught the bug ha ha!
That’s great Carrie, it was a real pleasure meeting you both, certainly hope we can hook up again in the future. You picked up the knack so easily as did Chris. It’s nice that you see you don’t need a computer to do it all. The fun is in the sea
All my best and make sure you stick with it, look forward to seeing more of your lovely shots. Has Chris fitted you a grid screen?