Second shot of the Skye series, the wondrous Fairy Pools with their beautiful tinted waters, gentle cascading falls and other worldly backdrop…….
Hmmm what they fail to tell you is that they are darn near impossible to find, getting their would entail getting absolutely soaked battling gale force winds and sleet like rain in your face and for lord knows what reason the wind and rain changes direction for when you are making your exit just to make matters worse and all this on top of a 9 hour drive…….
Well worth it I’d say!
We met countless couples/groups walking back down the path from the mountains who all had one question on their lips “where the hell is the fairy pool on the pictures?”, we quickly deduced they weren’t on the path and after what seemed an eternity of getting blasted with freezing wind lashed rain a slight glance to the right and our way back down gave us our goal…The Fairy Pools near Glenbrittle at the foot of the Black Cuillin Mountains on the Isle of Skye in the Highlands of Scotland.
We were quickly joined by other realising we’d struck gold and had to endure people in jeans and trainers standing ankle deep in the waters, fortunately they realised we were on a mission and graciously stepped aside when asked.
As for me and Chris we were wrapped up with all the right gear and had a great couple of hours stomping all over Glen Brittle and came away with our goal.
A shot of The Fairy Pool