Daily Archives: March 8, 2012

Midnight in Mossyard

Midnight in Mossyard































Not sure just how much more cheesy I could get with a title, think I may have hit my limit..lol anyway it says it all it was near as darn it midnight and it was in Mossyard one of my Scottish togging grounds. I had waited patiently all evening for this shot and the clouds kept obscuring the moon right up until I think it was 11:40 ish. I think it was worth it and I’m very pleased with the results.

Away for a Clumber Park weekend again tomorrow, looking forward to some bike riding with Stormy by my side, she has some new goggles well “DOGGLES”  to keep  debris out of her eyes as we cycle through the woods picture below….no doubt she’ll steel the show with my picture above but I don’t mind she’s more important than me for sure….

Please ignore the poor quality image of her it was a rush iPhone snap in the dark of our kitchen. You can see how impressed she is with them..hhmmm the jury is out!


Have a great weekend all

