Daily Archives: December 8, 2011

A Winters Wark

A Winters Wark

Well its that time of year again, Winter is well and truly upon us, there are met office warnings of gale force winds and snow in Scotland….its so nice to be in a warm house with a mug of coffee and a furry husky by your side…I do hope she doesn’t want a walk later! Stormy was a very good girl at training class last night, though she was a little hyper, think she gets it from me.



I am now ABIPP accredited, I went to Aylsebury on Tuesday and had to present my portfolio to a panel of peers from the British Institute of Professional Photographers. It went really well and they gave me some great advise for the future and a super idea for a new project that will take me a further 2 years to complete, its so nice to rest for a while though as this has taken me nearly 2 years already to get this accreditation.  A very big thank you to my supporters out there you know who you are, very much appreciate the purchases over the last 2 years.

A very special thank you to Peak Imaging Ltd for their continued support and superb print quality, perfection every time, cheers Lee.

Also a couple of special of friends, Glyn in Germany and Alison in Spain, thanks for keeping it real. And Steve for the great help in Photoshop and Peaks Photographic companion as well as Workshop training partner.

By the way for those who thought the title “Wark” was a spelling mistake for “Walk”, it inst, it is of course Carl Wark Fortress looking up towards Higger tor….. Just me trying to be clever!

Stay safe and warm

Adrian…….. ABIPP, ARPS..lol