Daily Archives: December 1, 2011

Good Morning December

Glencoe Gold

It’s official, Christmas in on its way!

I wait all year round for this, I know its and anti climax and all that but this is the part I love most, the build up. Jo put the trees up and got part of the house ready yesterday while on strike, bless her,  and I never tire of hearing the Christmas songs on the radio apart from the bad re make versions of band aid “do they know its Christmas”

Got a houseful coming this year for dinner so it will be great fun, Stormy will be in her element with all her pressies to open, remember she’s our fur kid and gets treated better than one….and me!

Funny though how at the same time as being excited  about December and Christmas I cannot get missing Mum and friends out of my head, must be a guilt complex or something but we go through it don’t we, what right do have to be happy! I know my mum would say “every right” now get on with it….

So today’s image is dedicated to December, my mum Kate and Richard who was my mate, business partner and brother in law

God bless em


