

It’s Friday….wwwhheeeyyy


Sun is shining, I got a job on later this morning then hopefully off to the peaks this afternoon for sunset shoot with a mate.

This shot Vort-X well nearly! camera on tripod, filters on, hi ISO 1000 lens wide open f2.8, speed 1/1400 wack a rock in and hope for the best…my god sounds like Jamie Oliver, now there’s an idea the Jamie Oliver of photography, taking it to the masses, showing all the smoke and mirrors…ok ok I’m going too far now I know but if I can encourage and inspire one person to take up photographer by dispelling all the myths and giving tips that work then its all been worth it….oh and it’s nice to sell too.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, if you’re off shopping, GOD HELP YOU, bet it’s madness out there

Me its a hair cut and painting the TV/Chillax room….Such Fun!



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