Sunset Rays

Sunset Rays

Still processing shots from Scotland and this was making use of my Lee Star filter, a really useful piece of glass you can angle and create the rays to suit your shot, believe me its not quite that easy you do have to play quite a bit with it to get the right image meanwhile the sea is coming in and the light is fading fast, still I think I got this about right.

Liverpool bound this morning, hope my day goes well, Stormy’s not impressed she’s not coming with me and I must admit I really don’t like leaving her, she;’s had her morning dinner and slice of toast! we did go for a sunrise walk this morning and what a beauty it was, mist rising off the local fishing lake and salmon pink skies above



  1. Rob Birrell May 5, 2011 at 3:34 PM #

    Are you sponsored by Lee filters yet. If not you should be.

    • Adrian May 5, 2011 at 4:31 PM #


      lo Rob….ssshhhhh!

      how you doing?


  2. Rob Birrell May 10, 2011 at 6:17 PM #

    Hi Adrian. Sorry hadn’t seen your response on here. Not doing too bad … not earning any money mind you. Enjoying photography for it’s own sake and studying hard with the OCA. I might be going fulltime with Durham Police soon which will aleviate the uncertainty but will be sad to park the photography.

    • Adrian May 11, 2011 at 7:01 AM #

      what will you do permanently for the police? crime scene would be good

      The OCA is about a mile from me here, been thinking about doing it myself, can you email me details of course etc you are doing please


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