Wow a cold and snowy morning here in Yorkshire, stark contrast to the image Peace II name after , well Peace I……well I never professed to be good with titles did I?
Had a busy weekend digging out the drive for the arrival of the new caravan, thanks to Mark Wayne and Dave for your help, much appreciated, no doubt I’ll pay back sooner or later, then yesterday I did a few hours marshaling the Trigger 2013 with teh team and did some shots of the very fit competitors, 20 miles over the Peaks fastest 3hrs 9mins , slowest 6hrs 35mins, with a whole range of ages and abilities but I think we could all agree they are superhuman, the shear guts and determination to overcome the pain that must be involved is incredible. Well done everyone of you. The monies raised goes to WMRT to help us continue our work in helping others in trouble.
Just listening to Genesis “Snowbound” on the radio as I watch the snow gently fall outside my office window, big chucks of white fluff too settling on my garden, Stormy is asleep on the settee, she’ll get a winter walk at lunchtime, the car is staying put today, not worth the hassle, still can’t believe the numpties we saw this morning driving with a 6 inch circle cleared on their windscreen in near darkness too, if the y kill someone, its dangerous driving and thats prison! spend 5 mins and clear all windows properly, how stupid do you have to be!….rant over but its a bug bear of mine.
stay safe and warm