After thinking for several hours, ok seconds it’s the only title I could come up with. It does however say it all, it’s a Loch and it’s Magenta and it’s called Leven…nuff said!
The magenta cast is actually brought about by the filter I used and the exposure time, it’s then edited in photoshop and the saturation is increased to this desired effect. I only ever increase/decrease what is already there, I never add anything….not that there is anything wrong in doing that, it’s all art as far as I can say but I like to think I got the composition right in the first place.
Some good news as well
Discover Britain now shows one of my images to entice our friends across the big pond to make The Peak District their holiday destination, click HERE then page 38 top left
Also the Peak District visitors guide 2012 will also feature another of my images Ladybower Autumn, I think one of only six to be featured, so not a bad week considering….oh and I got a few nice little commissions come in as well so once I’m over this stinking cold I’ll be busy as a bee.
Have a great weekend
Your work looks great in looks in the Discover Britain mag !! (You know I especially love your Peak District photos).
Sounds like you’re busier than ever at the moment Adrian.Get well soon
Thanks Alison, the stinking cold is having its last laugh with me today, I feel shocking, can’t even take Stormy for a little walky. Better start to improve tomorrow, I started physio last night too for my back which will soon see me fighting fit I hope.Funny how when you’re running on high with good health etc etc you take it for granted…never again, cant wait to start training again.
Thanks for the thumbs up too, I’m pleased you like my Peaks work, i love doing it. I have just amassed a list of 30 places in Yorkshire I have to start and put my individual mark on, plus winter in the peaks to start soon. I have an exhibition starting Nov 2012, I’ll fill you later.
Have a great weekend, don’t get too much rain on your BBQ….bet you haven’t played tennis for a week or two either!
Gosh you must be feeling rough if you can’t take your best mate Stormy out. If she’s anything like our dog she’ll be watching your every move hoping you’re about to put your shoes on or pick up the lead. Good news about the exhibition…where will it be? and yes….have now missed two tennis sessions…not good.We’ve now had to days of heavy rain and it’s as if the world were ending…living over here has made me soft. I remember driving up to college via Glossop and Homfirth in a clapped out Chevette through wind, rain and snow and thinking nothing of it…but then I suppose I was young and carefree in those days…ay ay…nostalgia.
it’s man flu and I’m a wussy, shocking headaches mind you, had them since the car crash, never suffered em before in my life. Just shows what a thing like that lorry hitting me can do long term. I told them I don’t want money just them to pay for any back related treatment for the rest of my days, they went potty……that’s why we have to pay such vast stupid policy excesses isn’t it?
Exhibition is at Castleton Visitor Centre and will be aimed at the Christmas sales market…should do well hopefully
hope it drys up for you soon, the suns just coming out here, shame I cant do anything…booohoooo
have fun