What fantastic weather, makes such a change doesn’t it?. Had a great early start to the weekend, managed to get all my jobs cleared including cleaning the car, grass cut and dogs walked, just had a lovely training session with the pups and I’m now getting my kit ready for a nice commission walk tomorrow in The Peaks 25km so it should get my knee working overtime nicely and it’ll be good to get the recce shots for the video done along with some good company. Stormy is coming for a stroll in her case but the pups aren’t quite ready yet, their little bones need 12 months really before they can handle this mountain walking malarkey.
Route for tomorrow is Bamford Moor circular starting at the station, early start as I need to be back for the afternoon and puppy training and a walkie, like I’ll need one lol, was going to take full kit but I just weighed my gear and its 28kg without food which isn’t probably going to be that good for the old knee so its just the 1DX and GoPro for this session.
Get ready for loads of shots, have a fab weekend all