One from yesterday taken at Harmby in the Yorkshire Dales. It’s tucked away and well hidden in a little gill behind a house garden, beautiful little fall which gently carries on down stream
Shouldn’t laugh but I handed Stormy to Jo and she pulled her straight over and Jo finished up on all fours in the mud, I never even noticed, if I had that would have been today’s picture.
We’re looking at Skye for 2 weeks so I can do a pretty in depth catalogue of shots, can anybody recommend a good site for a tourer caravan that’s basically on a shore line and close to most places? will be heading up there end Sept beginning Oct so shouldn’t be many midges left…I climbed Ben Nevis last year in June and was bitten from the bottom to top and back down again…
More shots later, we’re having a relaxing day today, busy week ahead and my birthday Friday…doesn’t time fly, think we’re going to hit the coast for the day, it’s been a few weeks and I’m having withdrawal symptoms.
enjoy the bank holiday