Adrian Ashworth in forn of his commended image "Hordron Rainbow" winter scene at Landscape Photographer of The Year 2010 National Theatre exhibition.
25th November at The Nataional Theatre, my shot Hordron Rainbow was commended and displayed with approx another 99 images. total entries somewhere around 50,000 so I was very pleased to receive this award, I also had a double page in the AA book, the only shot to have this, also my shot is 1 out of 10 used fro the postcard collection, again a great honour plus its on countless websites and magazine articles not to mention BBC Brasil http://www.bbc.co.uk/portuguese/noticias/2010/10/101027_galeria_landscape_is.shtml
Ah well onward and upward, out doing shoots at the moment for another exhibition
One Comment
Congrats mate – really. You must be proud and hope it brings you lots of money!